K-State is a Big 12 school with unrivaled school spirit. Wildcats at K-State know all about community and working hard to play hard. It’ no wonder they are ranked #2 for students who love their school!
Designed with prospective students and parents in mind, this app is a useful tool for anyone planning a trip to campus or for an in depth look at the campus from anywhere in the world.
Features include: -GPS directions to campus and programmed tours for navigating around the university.
-‘Wildcat Way’ breaks down the spirit of academics /athletics on campus.
-Check out ‘Academics’ to learn about 250+ majors and programs.
-‘Campus Life’ outlines the best ways to get involved on campus.
-‘Traditions’ takes users through the meaning of being K-State proud.
-Local business information included to help prospective students navigate the campus and town.
Did someone say Wabash Cannonball?! Download the app now!